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Can we ship to other addresses?

As you probably know, we sell hundreds of items on eBay. We are often asked by customers if we can ship an item to address that is different from their own. Here’s the answer: Of course, we can. Here’s how —

We can ship to any address that is included in your eBay account. You can add several different shipping addresses in your eBay. When you check out, you simply select the address where you want it to go.

For example, personally I often purchase gifts on eBay to send to out-of-state friends and relatives. I add their addresses to my eBay account and I can select their address when I check out.

Here is another example. We have many customers that live in Canada but often visit the US for work or leisure. They have a US mailing address where they work or with a relative. Or, they have a post office box. They add the US address to their account for shipping. When they check out, they can select their US address and save a ton of money.

The trick is to add the addresses to your account before you make the purchase. Otherwise, eBay does not allow sellers to ship to other addresses. So, if you haven't done so already, add your alternate addresses to your account and you are good to go.

Check our eBay store to see there is something that you want to ship.

Happy Collecting!


The License Plate Gal at

License Plate Garage

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